Oxford Casino Donates to Community Table
Oxford Casino Donates to Community Table
Submitted by The Progress Center Feb 19, 2013, 8:07 AM
Oxford Casino donates $2,500 as a designated gift to The Progress Center’s Community Table program (Norway, ME). Oxford Casino General Manager, Jack Sours commented, “We are committed to helping at risk individuals and families in our region especially when it comes to assisting with their basic food needs.” He added, “Contributing to The Progress Center’s Community Table program is a great way to partner with an agency that does a great job of serving many with the limited resources it has.”
Kristin Benedix, Executive Director for the Progress Center said, “The Oxford Casino’s donation will make significant contribution to serving several families in the greater Oxford County area.” She further added, “This donation will go a long way to advance the good service that is done through our Community Table program. Thank you Oxford Casino.”
About The Progress Center
Our mission is to promote independence and freedom of choice for the individuals we serve. Our core beliefs include that each person with a disability has a desire for a rich and varied life, including a physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual dimension. We also believe each person grows through their life experience and has the right to make his/her own life choices, including those that may involve risk.
For more information on the Community Table or the meals it provides, please call Lee Barker at 743-8049 ext 301. For information on The Progress Center please call Priscilla Burnette at 743-8049 ext 266.